Sierra Leone Telegraph: 2 February 2016
After weeks of silence, since the conclusion of magistrate court’s preliminary hearings in Freetown, that have now been committed to the High Court, Dr. Alie Kabba (Photo) has spoken. He refuses to be muzzled.
Writing to supporters and well-wishers in Sierra Leone and all over the world, Kabba sounds more determined than ever, in holding the Koroma government to account. It seems the Alie Kabba train is unstoppable.
And if the political game plan of the ruling APC is to muzzle Alie Kabba through the trumped up charge of bigamy, then they have miscalculated. He is even more fired up now, than he was before his first arrest by the government.
“As I have said many a time before, whatever I am forced to endure here in Sierra Leone, with my life on the line, is nothing compared to the universal pain and suffering our people deal with everyday,” writes Dr. Kabba.
Last Friday, Dr. Kabba was at the opposition SLPP head office in Freetown, where he attended Friday prayers. He spoke to a large gathering of SLPP supporters.
He told them that over 50% of the ruling APC party supporters are now disappointed with the performance of the Koroma government that has reneged on every promise it made, during campaigning at the general election in 2007.
Writing today in the Sierra Leone Telegraph, his honesty, conviction and determination to lead the transformational change Sierra Leone so badly needs, is palpable. This is what he said:
Fellow Sierra Leoneans:
I want you all to know that in spite of the toxic mix of judicial travesties and ridiculous propaganda stratagems, schemes and schemata, the Alie Kabba Campaign remains strong, vibrant, undistracted, issue-based, clear-visioned, unbought and unbroken.
I want to assure my supporters – the SLPP family and my fellow Sierra Leoneans, that I am resolute in my fight to make Sierra Leone a shining light on the hilltop of Africa.
If any unjust restrictions are placed on me, rest assured that I will reject them with the disdain they deserve, for acquiescence to such flagrant injustice is tantamount to the coddling of unruliness and despotism.
As I have said many a time before, whatever I am forced to endure here in Sierra Leone, with my life on the line, is nothing compared to the universal pain and suffering our people deal with everyday.
I want you all, supporters at home and in the diaspora as well as non-supporters alike, to stay strong and firm in your faith in Sierra Leone and to be optimistic about its future, even when we are confronted with the collapse of democracy and rule of law.
I would like those of us in the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) to realize that there was SLPP before the current Flagbearer contest, and there will be SLPP after the Flagbearer election. So let’s be respectful in our dealings and make this a campaign of vision and not personalities.
We can easily unite and present a formidable challenge to the ruling party, but we need to put a lid on infighting and concentrate on designing the best electoral ground game to take our party back to State House with a majority in parliament.
To win, we must champion the aspirations of the 99% of our people who have been chained by the excruciating pains of poverty, unemployment and under- development for far too long.
To win, we must be unapologetic and unequivocal in our opposition to corruption, impunity, widening social inequality and indifference to the plight of the poor.
Yes, to win, SLPP must be the party that affirms human dignity and social justice as foundational elements of our party platform.
Let’s unite to achieve victory and end the predatory politics of the current narcissistic ruling class before it is too late.
If you are sick and tired of the status quo and ready for real change, I invite you to join the Alie Kabba Campaign today for a radical progressive transformation of the nation.
One Country One People. Everyone in…No one out. Everyone up…No one down.
Your Humble Servant,
Alie Kabba
Critical questions you must ask are these.
1. How can someone come from outside Sierra Leone to be President? Does that make sense?
2. What was the person’s job before now?
3. Where did he get the money?
4. How much did he earn for what, from where, and which period?
These are some of the very important questions that must not be overlooked if someone is just flying into the country to take the number one job in the land.
These statements are indeed typical of a genuine and sincere politician. I have never met Alie Kabbah in person before, but I have closely followed his campaign strategies and have observed that, he is indeed a very civilised politician.
Since he entered the race for the flagbearership of our great party, he has never insulted any of the other contenders for the flagbearership of SLPP. All he has been doing is preaching the need for peace, unity and togetherness, which are very important if we are to win the next election.
Besides, Alie Kabbah is virtually the only opposition member that is seriously challenging the ruling government on issues bordering on corruption, poverty, youth unemployment, social injustice and issues affecting ordinary Sierra Leoneans.
These are some of the qualities required by a flagbearer contender, which I believe the delegates should be looking out for. The issue of choosing a flagbearer has to go beyond regionalism, tribalism and other parochial considerations.
In choosing a flagbearer, the delegates should look for someone who will not only deliver victory to the party, but someone who is development oriented, and can also provide strong leadership for the country.
Alie Kabbah has all these qualities. Please, consider voting for Alie Kabbah in the flagbearer contest scheduled to take place at any time from now.
I have never regretted putting my hope on this guy called Alie Sanja Badara Kabba. If I should do it all over again, he will be the one choice for me. I believe in someone who believes in what they stand for even if it means standing alone. Not many politicians in Sierra Leone stand up to power like Alie kabba does…
I am not a partisan of neither APC nor SLPP and do not empathize with any. To me both the APC and SLPP failed the Sierra Leone people woefully, betrayed their trust, and ruin their hope for progress, all along the years of our independence.
The emergence of a brave and competent political figure like Dr Alie Kabba is worth to rally round. It is not about party politics but the quality of leadership. Dr Kabba is proving himself a leader to reckon with. His dynamism and ambition to bring about good governance in the land is just what Sierra Leone needs today.
His bravery and outspoken character is the kind of 0ppsition leader needed in Sierra Leone at this point in time. Great leaders are those men and women with strong common sense and the right focus on how to drive a nation to progress and prosperity. All of these qualities are seen to be inherent in Alie Kabba.
Sierra Leoneans, as we yearn for change in the status quo of the current political landscape in the country and wish to attain proper governance system, Dr Alie Kabba is the man to rally round.
Kandeh, Kabba and Keili together can take Sierra Leone forward with a clear vision, effective leadership and genuine commitment to addressing the issues affecting the poor and vulnerable and root out corruption.
Thank God to at least hear from our big brother Dr Alie Kabbah. indeed the world in general and Sierra leoneans in the diaspora in particular are concerned for your safety, well-being and liberty.
Whom are we to blame but ourselves, especially Christiana Thorpe the former chief electoral commissioner and cohorts who are the real enemies of progress. Even Ernest stated in his earlier speeches that he was not expecting to win.
That shows also the irregularities in the education and civil services, of people not earning what they deserve, but that through connections you can be promoted by a bunch of crooks into high places.
Such behaviour is typical of the Sierra Leonean in the diaspora also, not only at home.
We must change our mindset from cruel, evil, deceitful tendencies to a mindset of good report, of virtue and value, if we are to improve the image, living standards and economy of mother Sierra Leone. May God bless Sierra Leone.
Ali Kabba is the type of sierra Leonean we should be praying for to hold the highest office of our land. Despite all the stumbling blocks he is still determine and deserved to be supported all the way. He is a righteous man with clear conscience and he is showing those mediocre politicians what they should stand for as patriotic citizens. He genuinely believe in what he is saying.
Ever since Alie Kabba declared his intention of running to be the flag bearer of the opposition SLPP and consequently running for the highest office in our land, I have never once hear him slate other SLPP aspirants.
Alie Kabba is a genuine politician and human being, who has the interest of our country at heart. The vibrancy of his political preaching and the issues that he is concerned about affects 99% of our people.
His desire to root our country of poverty and underdevelopment is made clearer everyday he speaks. Never once has he wavered from his beliefs and never once has he been afraid to fight for the ordinary man.
So when he comes up with this statement, there is no doubt in my belief that he is the right man to lead our country from our impoverished state.
SLPP is equipped with talented people who mean well for our country, but at this stage in our country’s history, we need a radical progressive who will effect change without the normal bureaucracy attached to it.
My people let us move away from the politics of dis na me brother, na we go school, na me uncle, e sabie book, etc, and bring in someone with the remarkable acumen and calibre of Alie Sanjan Kabba
Alie Kabba’s vision is clear. He is walking the walk, and a radical approach is just what Sierra Leone needs. God bless you Dr. Kabba. May you live to see a leberated Mamma Salone
Praying for success and strength to endure.
It is sad to note that fellow Sierra Leoneans hardly vote on issues that matters but purely on sentiment. I have never met with Alie Kabba but my instincts which has never failed me keep telling me that he is genuine and sincere.
For the sake of posterity and the poor suffering Sierra Leoneans, I would like to make a humble appeal to my compatriots that we all consider a careful thought about this great patriot.