Sierra Leone Telegraph: 29 March 2021:
Sierra Leone’s National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) continues to lead the response to the Freetown Susan Bay fire disaster that consumed the homes of thousands of slum dwellers.
The incident has been classified as a level two national disaster, prompting massive humanitarian support from the Freetown City Council (FCC) and many corporate and philanthropic well-wishers.
According to the latest report by the FCC, registration of the victims of the fire established that 7,093 people were affected across 1,597 households.
A multi-agency needs assessment has identified shelter, water, food and clothing as priority requirements for affected residents.
The FCC says that the following items have been received or achieved: Supply of food and water for up to 5000 victims, fifty-three tents erected, seven large water tanks.
FCC is playing a supporting role, coordinating and collaborating with the NDMA Pillar Leads for Registration, Shelter, Water/Sanitation, Logistics, Psychosocial, Nutrition (and non-food items), Security and Education through Deputy Mayor Osman T Koroma and Councillor Madina Kamara, Metropolitan Police and Social Services Department.
FCC says there were no fatalities, but 409 people were reported injured.
This is AYV Report on the fire:
The poor have little choice where to live. Hence they survive in slums and they are unnoticeable and uncared for except when disaster strikes. They lack basic necessities such as safe drinking water, sanitation,protection from the elements and a host of other essentials. Life expectancy is short because of poor nutrition and diseases. This is worldwide I know, but it should not happen in a rich country like ours.
Agree with ever word you said Chief Fire Officer Kamanda Bongay; I hope the government of Sierra Leone and our innovative Mayor of Freetown will put their petty differences aside and listen to your prudent suggestions and work in the interest of displaced citizens by creating better living conditions for the thousands that are affected by this heartbreaking disaster.Its time for things to change in Sierra Leone for the better – It should no longer be business as usual.Word.Sincerest thanks to you and your men for your selfless efforts Sir.