Sierra Leone Telegraph: 01 April 2020:
Sierra Leone will be on a three days lockdown starting from Sunday, 5th April. This decision comes as the country records its second case of coronavirus.
According to reports, the defence minister and Covid-19 coordinator – Retired Brigadier Kellie Conteh said that – Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week will be “stay-at-home days”.
There is also an unconfirmed report of a suspected third case this afternoon.
“We have isolated a suspected case of COVID-19 at the Connaught Isolation Unit, whilst awaiting Laboratory result.
“The patient presented with fever and respiratory distress, with no traveling or positive contact history with any known COVID-19 patient.
“To be more proactive, we reviewed the case definition for suspected case to include ‘any patient with unexplained shortness of breath irrespective of any traveling or positive contact history’, a criteria which our suspected case met.
“The suspected case is currently in the Connaught Hospital isolation centre, stable and awaiting COVID-19 laboratory result. We will inform you all when the result is eventually out.”
The lockdown makes sense if it is aimed at getting people to call the authorities if anyone in their household shows a combination of the corona symptoms during the lockdown. Its a good idea but does the government have the capacity and resources to respond effectively to those calls?
Wonders shall never end. If this Kind of situation countinue it will be bad for our peaceful country Sierra Leone.
You guys take everything as a political game. Forget about politics and give more accurate information to the populace. Forget about 2023 and focus on 2020. Covid-19 is a global threat, not political, ethnic or tribal warfare.
Lockdown and Testing the population for Coronavirus makes sense, but lockdown without a massive countrywide Coronavirus Testing Program does not make sense. It’s just a waste of time, scaremongering, waste of money and creating an idle environment to breed Coronavirus and maybe barbarity and violence. Wake up Bio Administration! Wake up Men! May God help Sierra Leone get the right people at State House come 2023.
The Bio Administration is responsible for the problem they now find themselves. They are stuck in terms of Coronavirus preparedness. The only hope is for the opposition to help, which thank God, they are doing. Sierra Leoneans are really eager for 2023 to come. God bless all Sierra Leoneans, our great and very helpful opposition helping Coronavirus stay away from our country and may God slow the progression of Coronavirus in Sierra Leone. Amen and Amen.
How do you get to airport for the German flight to Brussels. No ferry no taxi?
A virus that in some cases does not reveal any symptoms by the carrier is being approached with a 3 days lockdown nationwide. Am I the only one that deems this frivolous??
With the Chinagate trial, the Charismatic Retired Major Paolo Conteh’s trial, Coronavirus dilemma at hand and a poor health service at the bottom of the ladder, how can the Bio Administration effectively fight Mr. Coronavirus, who has now arrived. President Bio himself said, it was a matter of if and not when, but the President and his Administration, never took our GOLDEN advice months ago on this glorious platform seriously to prepare for his own words, not a matter of if, but when.
That 2 billion Leones made available by the Ministry of Finance the other day, should have at least, built and equipped an Isolation Center at Laka, which will be a better isolation area. Just common sense MAN! Even with the highest form of “YUKI YUKI”, that would be enough. Did I hear them say, there is an isolation center within Connaught Hospital in the middle of a populated and congested City like Freetown? Bad decision and Scary stuff. Another opening for Coronavirus to spread. Disgusting. God help slow the progress of Coronavirus in our country
The lockdown measures that works for Europe might not necessarily work for SL. If this continue for uncertain period of time we may kill our people with hunger!