Sierra Leone Telegraph: 11 December 2019:
Poor governance has once again got in the way of Sierra Leone winning the much sought after Millennium Challenge Compact Fund, administered by the United States government.
Several well governed African countries are now in their concluding phase of delivering lifesaving projects, using MCC funds – providing access to water, education, electricity, good healthcare, whilst Sierra Leone continues to languish at the bottom of the funding application process.
This is what the latest statement by the MCC says:
“At its quarterly meeting on December 9, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Board of Directors selected Mozambique for a new compact—MCC’s five-year grant program—to reduce poverty through targeted investments that increase economic growth. The Board also selected Kenya for an MCC threshold program—the agency’s smaller grant program focused on policy and institutional reform.
“MCC provides time-limited grants to developing countries that meet rigorous standards for good governance, from fighting corruption to respecting democratic rights, as evaluated by MCC’s scorecard. MCC takes a business-like approach, with bedrock commitments to data, accountability, and evidence-based decision making.
“I am pleased to announce MCC’s new compact partnership with Mozambique and new threshold partnership with Kenya,”/ MCC Chief Executive Officer Sean Cairncross/ said. “MCC works around the world to reduce poverty through/ economic growth—consolidating democratic and free–market reforms, and enabling public and private sector collaboration to create jobs, sustainable growth, and better economic opportunities within our partner countries.”
“Mozambique successfully completed its first MCC compact in September 2013 and has recently demonstrated encouraging policy improvement on the scorecard. A new compact would build on the country’s continued commitment to sector reform and MCC’s strong relationship with the country.
“The selection of Kenya for a threshold program will give MCC the opportunity to engage with the country on its path toward policy and institutional reform. Kenya is an important partner to the United States in East Africa, where MCC’s presence is growing.
“As part of their annual selection process, MCC’s Board of Directors reselected Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Lesotho, Malawi, Timor-Leste, and Tunisia to continue developing bilateral compacts. The Board also reselected Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Niger as eligible for concurrent compact programs for regional integration.
“This allows MCC to continue working with these countries to determine if there are potential regional programs that meet MCC’s strict investment criteria that could be supported through concurrent compacts. The Board also reselected Ethiopia and Solomon Islands to continue developing threshold programs. The Board also reaffirmed its commitment to developing a compact with Kosovo.” END
Sierra Leone was not mentioned.
In 2015 the MCC approved $257 million Compact with Liberia and $44.4 million threshold program with Sierra Leone to help both countries recover from the Ebola crisis.
Sierra Leone’s $44 million Compact preparedness and Ebola support funding comes to an end next year.
However, because of poor governance and rampant corruption, the APC government failed to convince the MCC that it had gone beyond achieving the evaluation threshold, necessary for Sierra Leone to be granted a full Compact worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) announced on Wednesday, 13th November 2013 in a statement, that: “MCC’s Board of Directors meets once a year to select eligible country partners for that fiscal year. The MCC Board of Directors selected Sierra Leone as eligible to develop a compact in December 2012. Sierra Leone and MCC are currently working on developing a compact; however, to continue this process past December, the Board will need to affirmatively re-select Sierra Leone when it meets in December 2013.”
“Sierra Leone has been a strong partner in compact development so far. However, due to the negative change in its scorecard, MCC’s Board will review the overall policy environment in Sierra Leone regarding transparency and efforts to combat corruption.”
Six years on, the Koroma led APC government has gone. Sierra Leone now has a new government – an SLPP government, led by president Julius Maada Bio.
But, how much have things changed in the country’s pursuit of the US Millennium Challenge Compact Fund?
In 2014, the Koroma government managed to pass only 11 out of the 20 indicators mentioned in the MCC’s 2014 Country Scorecard. The 11 areas passed included: Inflation, Regulatory Quality, Trade Policy, Gender in the Economy, Access to Credit, Business Start-up, Girls Primary Education Completion Rate, Political Rights, Civil Liberties, Freedom of Information and Rule of Law.
But president Koroma spectacularly failed on key policy areas, such as; Fiscal policy (government revenue generation and spending), Health Expenditures, Primary Education Expenditures, Natural Resources, Immunization Rates, Child health, Land Rights and Access, Government Effectiveness and Control of Corruption.
As a result, the MCC did not award the APC government hundreds of millions of dollars needed to tackle poverty in the country.
Fast forward November 2019 – same bus, same journey, but a different driver – president Julius Maada Bio and his SLPP cabinet ministers. The MCC published its 2020 Scorecard last month, which sparked mixed reactions across the country.
According to the Scorecard presented to president Bio at State House by Maria Brewer – the American ambassador to Sierra Leone, the government performed quite well after just seventeen months in office.
But is this performance good enough to take Sierra Leone’s Compact readiness from the threshold, to a full blown Compact Funding worth hundreds of millions of dollars?
The Sierra Leone Telegraph can report that out of a total of twenty policy areas assessed by the MCC, the Bio-led government passed only eleven, which is the same level of achievement as the Koroma-led APC government, back in 2013/2014.
But both governments scored highly in slightly different policy areas (see Koroma’s scores above)..
The SLPP government scored well in the following arears: Promoting Political Rights – 92%; Promoting Civil Liberties – 88%; Controlling Corruption – 79%; Putting Good Trade Policy in Place – 70%; Promoting Rule of Law – 58%; Promoting Freedom of Information – 85%; Promoting Gender in the economy – 61%; Spending on Healthcare – 68%; Investing in Primary Education – No data available prior to publication of the report but MCC gave the government a Pass; Promoting Business Start-Ups – 85%; Girls Primary Education completion Rate – 68%.
But the Bio-led government failed in nine policy areas that need a lot of attention, in order to significantly improve its overall governance performance, especially in managing the economy where most households in the country are experiencing great difficulty in putting food on the table.
According to the MCC report, the SLPP government scored an appalling 4% on Fiscal Policy (raising revenue and government spending). Taxation in Sierra Leone is very high for both middle and higher income earners, as well as local businesses. This is bad for investments, job creation and employee productivity. High government spending, especially on public sector salaries, and increasing borrowing, have also accounted for this very poor score, and needs immediate policy reset.
With the government struggling to stabilise the value of the Leone against foreign currencies, the impact on prices of goods and services in the country is being felt across the country, as the ministry of finance appears to be running out of ideas to control inflation. As a result, the MCC scored the government 16.9% for all its efforts in manging the economy.
In promoting high standards of Regulations in the country, the government scored 42%.
The government’s overall effectiveness in promoting justice was scored 40%, though it scored 58% in enforcing the rule of law, a sign perhaps of the massive delays in ensuring that court cases and election petition appeals are heard in a timely and fair manner.
Pollical violence at recent bye-elections and the arrest of opposition party supporters and officials have also contributed significantly towards this low score. (Photo: An opposition APC supporter along with several others beaten and arrested by police outside the APC party office).
In promoting Land Rights and access, the government is performing poorly with a score of 24%, after recent and continuing reported cases of unfair and heavy-handed approach by the Ministry of Lands and Housing, which at times appear to threaten the peace and stability of communities.
The government scored an appalling 19% in promoting access to credit finance – a significant driver of private sector investments, jobs and wealth creation.
In Protecting Sierra Leone’s Natural Resources, the government does not seem to have a clear policy or direction. The destruction of forest reserves for timber logging and the cutting down of trees to make way for new roads and building construction is having a massive impact on the environment, with catastrophic consequences such as flooding and destruction of the eco-system. The MCC report gave the government a score of 38% for its efforts.
For Rates of Immunisation across the country, the government scored 48%, and 21% for promoting Child Health respectively. This needs serious attention by the government.
It is pointless spending millions of dollars in promoting free quality education for primary school children, if their health is poor and survival rate from disease is low.
Although president Bio was reportedly pleased with his 2020 MCC Scorecard Report, there is little doubt the country is still lagging behind other African countries, when it comes to being able to convince the MCC to part with hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to help the government tackle poverty.
The Bio-led government’s overall performance may have been impressive, given its relatively short time in office, but it must do more to improve in those policy areas they are performing badly, if they are to be taken seriously by the MCC and indeed voters at the 2023 elections.
As the Sierra Leone Telegraph concluded last month, “The government must up its game on the economy. If those employed to control inflation and stabilise the Leone against foreign currencies are struggling to succeed, then perhaps a change of leadership in the ministry of finance and the Bank of Sierra Leone should be looked at again by the president. There is no room for sentiments where the lives of citizens are at stake.”
And it is equally important to add also, that the current growing perception by many in Sierra Leone, of a Bio-led government that is increasingly trampling on the democratic rights of opposition parties; and failure to dispense justice in a timely and politically unfettered manner, will only serve to continue to tarnish the image and credibility of the president and his ruling party.
It took the APC government under the leadership of former President Koroma 7 years to pass eleven out of twenty of the MCC goal and it took the SLPP government under the leadership of President Bio only 18 months to have the same score. Hopefully if the new direction government just stays focused and ignores all the negative distractions, they will achieve the goal by the end of their first term. Keep up the good work especially in the fight against corruption. “ Rome was not built in a day “.
Joe Koroma my brother, you must be living in an alternate universe to even dream that Sierra Leoneans are raising their heads high and proud with the current situation in our nation. Wow, wow, wow, politics is indeed a deceptive scheme in our society; who will imagine in the midst of the worst economic situation our nation has ever faced, worse more than during the civil war. Some diehard SLPP supporter will proclaim things are glorious? You are indeed living in your own world Mr. Koroma, I hope you wake up from your dream before it’s too late.
Now, coming of age during the nineties and old enough to follow politics since NPRC time, I can categorically remind fellow forumites that, prior to the global iron ore price saga and the Ebola epidemic in our nation, Salone was declared the fastest growing economy and most promising nation worldwide during the EBK era. When Kabbah took over power from NPRC, his main priorities were to end the war and lay down institutional foundations like the NRA, NASSIT, ACC, etc required for a nation to uplift itself.
During this period, our nation enjoyed the most international financial support in our history, billions of dollars poured in from various international donor partners, all intended to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and institutions. Guess what happened to most of these funds; SLPP politicians went on a rampage looting most of it. In the years leading to the end of the Kabbah regime, our citizens had enough, artists like Emerson, Jungle leaders, etc came up with nationalistic songs such as ‘borbor belleh’, ‘2 fut arata’, ‘d time don don’, and many more all decrying the terrible state of affairs and rampant corruption in our nation at the time.
By all indications, EBK did not inherit a vibrant economy and a viable state of affairs as you fallaciously claiming from your own alternate universe, Joe Koroma. One common theme I have observed from SLPP supporters like you, is the high level of deception and lack of being factual in reporting current and historical events in our motherland. Be reminded that your credibility in this platform is on the line sir.
What a shame!!! After all the brouhaha, Sierra Leone is not even mentioned in the US Millennium Challenge Corporation awards. This is just an indication that the world is no longer impressed with neo-junta system of governance. This is the 21st century and the world is not prepared to revert to achaic and primitive regimes that are in semblance to the Hitler’s, Mussolinis and Francos of the 20th century. The fundamental component of governance in the world today is a real focus on respecting democratic rights, freedom of the individual and economic development and sustainability.
Fighting corruption is a very good cause, because the existence of this contagious disease is a hindrance to the development of any nation. Nonetheless, when the fight becomes selective, as the present case in Sierra Leone, then the whole purpose is compromised and consequently becomes ineffective and unattainable. And, when the methodology used in fighting corruption reflects brutal tactics or belongs to those of the distant past – as in the recent parade of alleged corrupt teachers – then the whole exercise becomes a lost cause or misconstrued by the public.
Sierra Leone’s current SLPP government scored impressively in areas like: the control of corruption – 79%; the promotion of civil liberties – 88%; and the promotion of political rights – 92%. However, these grades did not reflect what has been happening on the ground since the party came to power about 20 months ago. In fact, many Sierra Leoneans were left amazed and dumbfounded about the ACCURACY of the MCC’s evaluation of President Maada Bio’s scorecard on governance.
Incidents such as the rampant Police brutality, beating and wounding of APC supporters, the shooting of teargas canisters at opposition supporters on their premises, Human Rights abuses, thuggery in Parliament and during by-elections, tribalism, the marginalization of the North, to name but a few, did not depict the realities of what was happening in the country on the scorecard.
The government has to think seriously about hitting the reverse gear or swivel left or right in anticipation of a complete ‘U’ turn before they drive this promising and lovely country into a point of no return. The Judiciary is ineffective and corrupt; the Police is corrupt as a result of being politicized; most institutions (including Civil Society Organisations) are inefficient and corrupt; all macroeconomic indicators are registering negative values; leakages everywhere in the system. And above all, the sacred constitution is used as piece of toilet tissues.
Furthermore, elections are rigged in broad daylight as the National Electoral Commission (NEC) is deep inside the government’s pockets. Government inspired thuggery all over the place. And yet, they think they can win the MCC funds? What a waste of time and money by the Vice President’s delegation to the US.The crusade in the fight against corruption – which is limited to officials of the past APC government of President Earnest Bai Koroma – has proved to be an insufficient mechanism for the Bio SLPP government to merit an award in the MCC programme.
Damn right,in case you had any doubts,the APC will continue to represent every citizen in our beloved nation to the fullest of our abilities – everyone! That means the good,the bad,and the outright ugly: Learned professionals, poor market women, carpenters, hawkers,shoe shine boys,fishermen,uneducated Street boys,criminals behind bars,thugs,rarray boys,and ragamuffins, because it is their God given,and constitutional rights to be able to live free,survive,and thrive,in peace,and security, without fear, intimidation, and harassment in the country of their birth.
Listen, everyone is protected under the umbrella of the APC without prejudices, discrimination and marginalisation,that’s why we are known worldwide as the LEGENDARY RIsing Sun. No matter the state of our nation presently,all of it was all built by prudent minds of the APC – everything formidable,concrete,tangible,of substance,and value was crafted by our industrious hands,no one else contributed a damn thing.
Today,in the interest of Progress,I am calling on three men holding positions of leadership in our country to do the honorable,patriotic,and responsible thing by stepping down,from those positions of high importance they are current holding. Firstly the Chief Justice of Sierra Leone has proven himself to be unworthy of such a highly prestigious,influential,and dignified office,through his unethical,immoral,and unpatriotic actions.Its time to for him to GO! Next in line is JJ Blood, whose financial,and economic policies,resemble a poisoned sword slicing the necks of our people,killing them slowly, but surely.
Because of his inadequacy, children are starving,and becoming leaner,the Leone is losing value,and weight,while his Boss keeps on adding more pounds of flesh.(lol)VAMOOSE! And lastly there is the Corrupt,Chief Minister,an unremorseful Freeloader, milking the system dry.The man is a tireless promoter of tribalism, nepotism, and dissensions that could eventually ignite into an atmosphere of anarchy,and instability in our beloved Sierra Leone – ALLONS -Y Monsieur! Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Mr. Sahr Matturi, you are attacking a straw man. My core arguments are contained in the first and second paragraphs of my comments wherein I clearly demonstrated why President Bio’s policies have not yet gained fruition. Later, I mentioned Siaka Stevens, Joseph Momoh and Ernest Koroma to put the current developments in their proper historical context. That was not an attempt to make excuses for President Bio as you seem to suggest. We are all products of our history. So, analyzing issues without any regard for their historical antecedents smacks of intellectual dishonesty.
Thanks a lot Mr. Joe Koroma for your clarification which I appreciate very much. Just to let you know, this PLATFORM is a very GLORIOUS place to be but it can sometimes be very TOUGH and CHALLENGING. To be honest with you, some FORUMITES need CLARITY to put things straight/right. No malice. YEAH. You are a STAR Mr. Joe Koroma and may GOD BLESS YOU.
With all due respect Mr. Joe Koroma. It’s really OUTRAGEOUS for you thinking about the late Siaka Stevens and the late Joseph Momoh ERA. Playing the BLAME GAME will not make our country advance. President Bio and his ADMINISTRATION are now in control and must sort out the MESS. Whether they inherited the MESS or RESPONSIBLE for any MESS is not the people’s problem.
President Bio was elected to lead and he must lead. Blaming the APC seems to me as if the SLPP ADMINISTRATION has lost SIGHT and TRACK; and the country is heading into a SINKHOLE. Do you agree with me? Are you OK? I hope so, talking to myself. Thanks Mr. Joe Koroma for expressing your views, although I don’t agree with them.
Mr. Joe Koroma there playing the BLAME GAME and trying to DISTRACT me from the issues. GOD BLESS Mr. Joe Koroma.
Well, firstly the photo of the lady bleeding profusely is not a doctored image, it is real, and it speaks volumes about the volatile atmosphere in our Country presently; no need to play games and hide the truth; let the whole world see who and what we have become under the SLPP – an unfeeling, lawless and barbarous people….Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
“ According to the MCC report, the SLPP government scored an appalling 4% on Fiscal Policy (raising revenue and government spending).” Among all the poor performing areas by the new regime, the above indicator stands out as the most shocking in my opinion for the following reasons:
1. While in opposition, the SLPP leaders were very much vocal in their criticism of the previous regime in regards to fiscal policies and responsibilities; they argued the economic conditions in the country are worse due to the APC ineptitude in addressing the nations’s fiscal policies.
2. In the early months of the regime, they spoke highly about drastic increase in revenue generations, single treasury account, and a host of other measures, all marketed by the regime as game changing schemes that will usher in immediate results to the over all economy and accountability.
So with all the hype and the highly acclaimed technocrats in the regime boasting of numerous PHD holders, why are we still stagnated or in some cases even performing worse in the post era of the ineptitude APC? Isn’t 18 months a long enough time for us to start seeing dividends from the new team and ideas?
“So with all the hype and the highly acclaimed technocrats in the regime boasting of numerous PHD holders, why are we still stagnated or in some cases even performing worse in the post era of the ineptitude APC? Isn’t 18 months a long enough time for us to start seeing dividends from the new team and ideas?” Young4na.
No, 18 months is not long enough to correct an 11-year wreckage. Besides, economics 101 teaches that fiscal policy and monetary policy are constrained by time lags. This means that apart from the fact that government actions are not instantaneous, any use of stabilization policy by the government is bound to encounter time lags between the onset of the problem and the full impact of the stabilization policy designed to correct the problem.
Time! time! time!. It takes time for fiscal and monetary policies to have an impact on the economy. The 5% growth rate of the economy projected by the IMF is good news. With the robust war on corruption initiated by the Anti-Corruption Commission, the gains of growth will trickle down to the masses of our population in the form of better living conditions/standards.
We have been down this road before – APC destroying and SLPP fixing. Siaka Stevens and Joseph Momoh spent years destroying. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah faced the daunting task of fixing and he was successful. After Tejan Kabba, Ernest Koroma came and destroyed. Yet APC folks want Julius Maada Bio to fix it right away. Government policies don’t work like that. Give the man time to fix what your irresponsible and reprehensible political party has destroyed.
You criticize the Ph.D holders in the SLPP government. Yet you have not provided any single feat accomplished by the high school dropouts and rarray boys in the previous APC government. Shame!!!
As an NGC party card holder, I pray everyday that should the SLPP leave power, the NGC becomes the new occupier of State House. APC are not good for themselves, says President Bio. And as we Sierra Leoneans continue to raise our heads with pride instead of bowing them in shame over the characterization of our country as a den of ultra-corruption armed robbery, thuggery, and virulent diseases – the hallmark of APC rule, we must pray that the good times continue to roll ad-infinitum.
One man – holding the nation as hostages to abject,humiliating, disgraceful poverty. Yep, its just One man,and his profitless,pointless, policies,resembling a cruel hangman’s sadistic noose,that is strangling the poor masses of Sierra Leone. One miserable man and his “WAHALLA,” and how we must deal with it is the 1.5 million dollars question.(lol)
If this Finance Minister was truly a Patriot,he would have stepped aside by now.True.He would’ve thrown in the towel,a long time ago,but instead he keeps on doing the opposite,sulking in defiance,insisting on continuing to shoulder staggering, crushing responsibilities way too heavy for his fragile shoulders to carry.(lol) But then again, I am not surprised: What good can someone with an eerie nickname,such as “JJ Blood” that is notorious for being cold,indifferent,totally disagreeable, arrogant,and mean spirited possibly do to alleviate,and ease the pain,and suffering of millions?
He has no choice. Belligerence,and hostility are in his DNA,and blood,and without any doubt,those deplorable attitudes are running effortlessly,and tirelessly through his tribalistic veins. One Pathetic man,a financial executioner,under strict orders from State House is on the rampage,choking our people with his unproductive policies. And sadly,our huge feeding President remains, unperturbed,as quiet as a mouse.(lol) Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
I say to hell with the MCC. Getting this fund means you’re undermining your democracy and doing what the United States wants. Liberia got approved, what improvement have they made since. This is just another way of dictating to African nations under the pretext of some millennium development that never produce any tangible results. Sierra Leone is better off without it and if they do get approved then I would ask what agreement did the government have to sign.
The United States don’t give a damn about the development of any African nation unless it serves their interests then they would sell you these so called aid programs to infiltrate your nation and bend the government to their will. The Bio government must be doing something right if they’re not on the United States list of government that’s doing right. I will question any person or government that’s praised by the United States for representing anything good.
Could this be considered an objective assessment of the country’s performance in certain areas? If so, then the President is not being served well with other assessments that feed him a different narrative. It would be interesting to hear the explanations given by those in charge. Apart from the desire to get much needed “free” FX and an essential injection to revitalise the economy, this report could be a useful tool for the President to manage by results.
One area for which results can be generated before the next assessment is Taxation. We need a comprehensive tax reform. Failure to do this before entering into the African Continental Free trade Area, will have enduring negative repercussions.
For me, the most significant area requiring reform is the rule of law. All the signs in this area are reminiscent of pre-conflict days. Clearly while other areas require technical solutions, this one rests squarely on politics. Until the political class understand and accept that a fair justice system will be a win/win for all parties, we will continue to spin wheels in the sand
As part of responsible journalism this was a rather well balanced article. However, the photo of the lady attacked to showcase political violence was not well thought out. This is a human being – someone’s aunty/mother/sister/friend. A photo of her, a fellow Sierra Leonean, bleeding, vulnerable and hurt does not do her justice. Political violence could have been referenced without using such a graphic image.
With such a DAMMING ASSESSMENT, some MINISTERS must GO right now. Also, in order to score on the areas involving HUMAN RIGHTS and JUSTICE – the JUDICIARY, NEC, THE PRISON SERVICES and THE SIERRA LEONE POLICE needs immediate REFORM. We can’t continue to lose such opportunities because of the STUBBORNNESS of our POLITICIANS and GOVERNMENT to make the necessary REFORMS. Yes, President Bio has not been long in office. I totally agree with that. But, he was once a HEAD OF GOVERNMENT.
I remember some of the reasons given for the NPRC takeover. CORRUPTION/INTERFERENCE in the JUDICIARY, POLICE, NEC/ELECTORAL PROCESS to name a few. So, President Bio can facilitate the process in introducing the necessary reforms if he wants to.
Dr. Johnson in his recent article on this newspaper, highlighted most of the areas where the BIO ADMINISTRATION performed very poorly to secure a good MCC SCORE. KUDOS Dr. Johnson.
There was also an article a few days ago calling for the Constitutional Review Committee to be reopened. Is President Bio and his ADMINISTRATION listening to all these wise individuals and organizations? There are MINISTERS who must be SACKED. Heads just have to roll because, what has just happened is RIDICULOUS, DISGUSTING and a DISGRACE to our country in my view.
Making the JUDICIARY, POLICE, NEC and PRISON SERVICES independent and free from the EXECUTIVE and POLITICAL INFLUENCE through the necessary REFORMS, will help our country improve its IMAGE, INFLUENCE and CREDIBILITY anywhere, everywhere.
Before I place the last nail on the COFFIN with my most LETHAL condemnation, I’ll wait and see if the President will engage in reforming the institutions I have mentioned and replacing those BORING MINISTERS bugging our economic progress.
If Bio had heeded to the cries of the silent majority to move JJ Saffa from that Finance Ministry before sending his VP to Washington to negotiate the MCC deal, things could have been different. But like Koroma before him, they are loyal to certain people to a fault. Koroma to some extent moved his incompetent Finance Ministry Dr. Samura Kamara to the foreign ministry later on in his presidency although it was too late for him to turn things around.
JJS has no clue on how to kick-start a failing economy. What baffled most of the silent critics is that the Ministers of Finance and Health who scored badly retained their Ministries while Education which had a better score had its Minister moved to another ministry.
JJ Saffa, the Bank Governor and the Commissioner of the National Revenue Authority are going to be the undoing of Bio’s bid for re-election if he as president does not take decisive action now.
All these political campaign destroying the present government to the international world can not help. If it’s true, the President is going up and down trying to convince the international world and people demonstrating giving false information to the world, this kind of attitude can not help the country.
Mr Musa I politely and partially disagree with you assertion above. In the 2tst century, a democratic state cannot thrive without the input of its civil populace. The president needs to pause seeking help from the international world and understand the needs of his people. Then analyse and address the root cause of (your assertion) the problem.
(a)The illegal and unlawful land grabbing by government eg ministries, army, MPs, Members of the Judiciary and influential civilians needs to STOP!! Diasporans have worked so hard to invest in lands/ property to support their families/ children /loved ones. Eg areas along Goderich, Gloucester, Waterloo to name but a few…
It is disgusting / shameful that the current government is aiding and abetting the crisis in the country by paying no heed to people’s problems. Civilians can also contribute to economic growth if they are granted access to their land and properties that is lawfully theirs. Due to lack of support by the head of state (lack of accountability of its subbordnates) people are echoing their frustration to the international world by discouraging investors, feedback their personal experience directly to key srakeholders and uploading documentaries on social media. And aforementioned are references to substantiate their views/experience
b) Support Sierra Leoneans living abroad who are willing to work with the government for development purpose rather than discouraging their genuine effort because they are refusing to be corrupt. They can bring in investors to help the country develop. For example Dennis Sandy is undermining the government with his corrupt and deceitful approach to dealing with land issue eg demanding compulsory purchase of peoples properties that they have worked so hard for to support their families….
Similarly, if the president genuinely wants to address corruption in sierra Leone he needs to use a top (start with-Judiciary/ legislature/ Exevutive) down approach not the reverse. President Bio cannot fight corruption with such a disgracefully corrupt Judicial system….
The difference between the APC and SLPP is the “colour theme”
We live in an innovative world where feedback from the ordinary citizen can significantly impact on the credibility of its government….
On paper President Bio means well for his country but he needs to put his house in order first before seeking help from the international world. The feedback from small investors ( which can be sourced by ordinary citizens) will increase the country’s points on the scorecard and attract bigger investors like the MCC
The same sad,humiliating stories seem to never go away,in Sierra Leone,my only home. Show your children some Mercy Good lord! Wrench this failing nation of ours out of the hands of arrogant,and incompetent men. The time to shower us with eternal grace is now! Seriously, friends, this clearly shows that our leaders are truly,an unthinking bunch of irresponsible people; Men with the most shocking and lowest IQ imaginable.(lol)
They are solely responsible for drowning us in all our woes from Freetown to Bo,and everywhere else in the Country that you would wish to go. Aha! so people everywhere now agree, that our incompetent Finance Minister needs to go, before he turns them permanently into hopeless and disgraceful POPOLYPOS? (lol) I have always insisted,and maintained,that this Government,and any other that is to come needs to seriously understand, that without having strict, tangible, credible, efficient and sustainable institutions no one would ever be able to take us seriously.
Listen, no sensible investor, will be crazy to the point, that they will ignore all the visible red flags waving from the roofs of State House and proceed gullibly, to invest precious time and money in a place where laws don’t work, where a Chief Justice is said to be allegedly corrupt to the innermost core of his already tainted,and tarnished being.
All these Professors gobbling huge salaries put together, their efforts count as nothing…An army of impractical losers, adding salt daily to already open wounds, that’s who they are – Huge and tireless contributors of profitless ideas; irresponsible in attitudes and totally to blame for the economic regression of a fragile, struggling nation, already on its knees…A damn Shame! Rising Sun Will Rise Again.