Sierra Leone opposition APC UK and Ireland Branch has lost its Vice Chairman Abes Kamara

Salma Neneh Bah, APC UK/Ireland Branch: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 July 2021:

Good evening my esteemed and honourable comrades of the mighty APC UK/I Branch, Friends of Abes, FOZSB, Friends of APC, Executive Women United and Sympathisers. As the Substantive post holder as APC Welfare Officer and in liaison with the late Sheku Abes Kamara’s family, we regret to announce and to apprise the APC UK/I Branch general membership, friends and sympathisers of the sudden death of our beloved brother, senior comrade and vice chairman 1 of our branch, which took place this afternoon at 14:00 pm in London, UK, 8th July  2021.

Comrades, friends and sympathisers, the late Sheku Abes Kamara was a very long-standing member and Vice Chairman 1 of the APC UK/I Branch.  The late comrade also served as the legal Adviser of the UK/I Branch with exemplary flying colours.

May Allah SWA forgive his sins and grant him Jannatul Firdaus

Comrades, Friends and Sympathisers should please contact his family on the following mobile numbers below:

Alpha Ibrahim: 07958721829; Alsaka Kamara: 07475175468; Mrs Funah: 07449171195; Frances: 07412000412

Address: Flat 6 Gothic Court, Wyndham Road, London SE5 0U

The above address is for the general membership who wish to sympathise and visit the bereaved family of the Late Mr Sheku Abes Kamara.

The family of the Late Comrade Abes Kamara intend to lay him to rest on Sunday 11 July 2021.

This is what APC National Secretary General Dr Osman Foday Yansaneh said today regarding the death of Abess:

“Comrades, today Thursday 8th July, 2021, we are once again deeply saddened and in mourning by news of the death of another vibrant APC diaspora giant, comrade Abess Kamara , vice chairman 1  APC UK/I Branch . Comrade Abess Kamara was an illustrious legal luminary and active member of the APC UK/I Branch who played a pivotal role in its evolution, growth, and consolidation.

“Comrade Abess will be remembered for his dynamism, likability, philanthropy, and human touch. He was always willing to listen and give help as needed.

“On behalf of the chairman and leader and the entire leadership of the APC party I wish to express heartfelt condolences to his family in the UK and in Sierra Leone, the UK/I branch and the entire APC diaspora for this irreparable loss.

“I will end by consoling the bereaved family and all of us with these words:

“Death is like the ending of a journey; one that each one of us must take. Some of us will leave early; some of us will leave late; but its ending is bittersweet.

“We should be glad to take it when called by our maker; that voyage of discovery to a new and better place called Jannah because when that journey is over, we meet god face to face.

“Goodbye Abess.  May Allah, grant you rest eternal.”

This is Abess recently donating office supplies to the APC leadership in Freetown on behalf of the UK/I Branch: 


  1. Sustenance of continuities!
    1. What are the current November 2024 contact details of Sierra Leone’s APC Party UK & Ireland Branch in the UK?

    2. What are the venue, date, starting time, Agenda, Minutes of last meeting for the next meeting?

    3. What are current status of finances, and, fully-paid-up membership?

  2. And fear not dearest brother, Existence duly closing your account means thee no harm;The majestic shores of Heaven will be waiting to welcome you with angels singing,dressed in dazzling garments glittering and shimmering intermittently with Celestial lights – the Sacred light of the ages.Take heart,the lightning that shines from the West to the East eagerly awaits to embrace you with open arms of greatest joy. True,that the world will never see thee no more and thats alright, its fine; Because no one will be ever able to replicate your laughter, and delicate smile. Bubbles floating freely, subtly in the wind that’s who we are; Bubbles prepared and rightly measured in the giant bowl of Creation,that is then blown in the wind.

    Since the beginning of time,he blew living bubbles into Existence,commanded them to soar,float and glide in the air happily for a period of time before the usual struggles, tensions and challenges of our lives causes them to burst and vanish into utter nothingness and oblivion never to be seen again. Take heart,Our lives are the greatest gifts to us yet they are not our own;they do not belong to us; He who watches and stays hidden behind the veils of existence is truly the one pulling the strings – its the greatest trick, a marvelous wonder no magician on earth can surpass – to give something away generously that forever belongs to you. Rest in Heaven brother Kamara, may Almighty God grant thee mercy when you bow and kneel before his Tremendous throne of GRACE.

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