Alie Kabba – presidential aspirant for the 2018 elections
Sierra Leone Telegraph: 6 December 2016
When ever a reigning party is found as wanting as it is now evident in Sierra Leone, the clarion call for a change in direction grows louder as things get fouler in the country.
It is historically evident that any political party in power that allows itself to be crippled by greed and arrogance, will surely be afflicted with deafness and dumbness. In the event of such a finality of stages, the only button that the central actors can see is the button marked “self-destruct”.
However, within the precepts of a democratic dispensation (in so far as ours could be so described), it would be an irresponsible strategy for the opposition to just sit down, wriggle its hands, and hope that the bumbling snake will soon swallow its own head.
It is incumbent upon the opposition not merely to show that the government is inadequately functioning, but to prove to the voters that there is a viable alternative body on which they could hang their hopes and dreams.
One such proof is the demonstration of unity of purpose and an indication of a definite sense of direction, that should be clearly seen hovering way beyond the raucous rumbles that often accompany competitions for individual supremacy within a party.
Even though it is a given that politics is usually a tightened draw of competitive tussle, any well-meaning political party should be propelled on the wheels of ideas, policies and programs.
Ultimately, a successful party should pride itself on the content of its policies and the care for country, not be tenuously defined by the status or ambition of individual players.
Of course, individual players are important to the party, but no single personality can be more important than the party itself.
One way to build peace and cement unity in any group that is made up of diverse strands, is to place the defined structural interest of the collective ahead of singular personality preferences.
Now, more than ever before, it is easy to conclude that the interest of the SLPP neatly weaves in with the interest of the vast majority in the country, i.e., to vote the APC out of power and replace it with a progressive and accountable government that is focused, determined and knows exactly what needs to be done to lift our people out of this unending nightmare of poverty, disease and ignorance.
We in the SLPP owe it to our people to redeem this country from the woes of the APC, and get the nation out of the hole into which it has been dumped by the greedy and corrupt political class.
We can only achieve this goal if we push hard enough to come together as patriots, who are seeking tangible solutions to our many national problems, instead of as individuals primarily interested in acquiring personal positions.
The fact is that there is only one viable alternative to the bungling APC. And that, is a focused and united SLPP.
For the Sierra Leonean voters, the question is no longer whether the APC has failed the nation; the question is “how prepared is the SLPP to right the failures of the current predatory ruling cabal, and make the future bright for all?”
How soon we come together to satisfactorily answer this central question, will determine the outcome of the next elections – in 2018.
And in answering that question, we must be prepared to welcome all patriots and lend ears to everyone in the SLPP.
As we continue to listen to each other, I hope we hear each other well with respect, tolerance and dignity.
I am indeed proud to see a formidable team like this to win the 2018 presidential election. This reminds me of Sir Henry Lightfoot Boston, one time governor of Sierra Leone, who once said that “nothing on earth can stop a group with one mind from achieving their aims and objectives, and nothing on earth can help a group with divided mind from achieving their aims and and objectives.”
We must be able to always be as one and resolve every issue within the party. We must know that no one is good enough to govern another man, without the other’s consent.(Abraham Lincoln).
The youths must be empowered educationally. Because with education, the firm worker becomes the the firm owner. The mine worker becomes the mine. And with education, the ordinary man in the street becomes the president of the land.
In wining the forthcoming presidential election, we should be focused, positive and punctual to every call of the party. My name is Tajudeen Turay, a development professional at Valley View University, Accra, Ghana.
Alie Kabba is a centrist figure in the SLPP because he gets along with all and favours no single stake holder over another. His inclusive message and call to unity resonates with everyone.
It is very essential that the party recognises this huge fearless talent, who is not merely interested in kicking the APC out of power, but actually has an integrated development plan that will work for all.
Why not unite under Maada Bio and try him for the very last time? Kandeh Yumkella will then lead us as the running mate and the rest who have aspired will be given key ministerial positions.
If Maada is given the mantle of leadership as flag bearer for the SLPP, APC will be tormented and will not be able to defeat him at the polls. Any other candidate apart from Maada Bio will not make headway and APC will rule again for another term.
Some of us Sierra Leoneans have lost our minds through political correctness, which has led the very elites to dumbness, deafness and stupidity. Sorry to say that this attitude of the very educated elites is what is responsible for the scale of corruption that our beloved country is face with today.
We hype those who are well dressed, driving a secondhand car, and who are said to be college or university graduates; argue with each other about their wealth and credentials, of which you do not have a clue.
How do you judge or determine ones richness or wealth or educational background with such a criteria. This comes to show the backwardness of a people.
It is as if politicians and the educated elites have conquered the minds of the people, either by witchcraft or some other means. If your mind is conquered, you have lost all respect, belief and hope.
Uprightness, moral, intellectual and spiritual values don’t come with titles. Just like it is said: “having a good character is not a goal; having a good character is a process”.
Look at president Koroma and his government ministers – pin point one of them that is not corrupt: Balogun Koroma, Alpha Kanu, Mohamed Bangura, Sylvia, Parlor Conteh and the president himself – what a team.
These are the sorts of politicians we have entrusted with our country. They are a bunch of bigots and puppets, criminals. Let me give you an apology: “squirrels are asked to watch over peanuts what will be the outcome”.
As for the opposition, Maada Bio cannot even speak properly. He does not even have leadership qualities, and he lacks moral values. This is someone who the APC government give handouts. And he is a liar too – who is penniless.
He claims to have been studying for a doctorate degree in England. Please let us ask him in which field is he doing his research; and in which university? I can personally secure all his records through the freedom of information Act. It will only cost me about £100.00.
These are the sorts of bogus rogues and liars that want to lead our beloved country. Let us start asking politicians about their wealth; and this must be verified and authenticated by an independent body before they are even allowed to register with any political party.
And parliament must pass a law to prosecute and charge any leader, politician or civil servant with treason – leading to public execution as a way to stop rotten and sick minded people in politics.