Sierra Leone Telegraph: 05 May 2020:
Twenty-one new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Sierra Leone today – compared to the 12 new cases reported yesterday, along with two more deaths in the last twenty-four hours. This brings the total number of recorded cases to 199, and the total number of deaths to 11.
The total number of people in isolation centres for observation is now 145 – an increase of 13 since yesterday; whilst 43 people have so far made a recovery from the virus.
One thousand four hunderd and one people are currently in quarantine – an increase of 16 since yesterday; with 1,732 so far discharged from quarantine, including the president himself and his family.
The president of Sierra Leone needs to be vigilant in the fight to demolish the virus, as the health workers are misbehaving by lying on people as being positive with Coronavirus.
It’s very unfortunate that this dreadful disease has started spreading within our communities which I personally believe is due to lawlessness. If some of our citizens have respected the Districts shutdown by just staying in Freetown, things should have been under control, but some of the distorted informations on social media that this dreadful disease is a myth in our country is not helping some of our citizens to strictly follow the guidelines of the government and health workers.
It will be a good idea if the Bio lead SLPP could inform people, which areas in the districts or in the western area, where Coronavirus is active. Coronavirus might not for example, be active everywhere in Freetown in my view. This will allow residents in that area to take caution and help people coming in those areas to think twice before they do. I’m really worried about what will happen in the rainy season, when all sorts of disease are out there. Will COVID-19 accelerate its infectious ability during the rainy season? Remain to be seen.
Bottom line, only Testing, Tracing and Tracking down people will help fight Coronavirus. Lockdown alone is not the answer and is not enough. But, does the Bio lead SLPP has the capacity to Test, Trace and Track? God help protect Sierra Leone from COVID-19.