Bob Massally: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 March 2023:
Sierra Leoneans are the third least happy bunch in the whole-wide-world and the least happy in Africa, according to the latest Global Happiness Report.
“Man dem nor happy oh”. This damning report comes at a time when the president is convinced and has said it with hubris, vanity and conceitedness that he has fulfilled all his manifesto pledges and promises to the people of Sierra Leone.
President Bio went further to say sarcastically that it is now just bonus time. Bonus time when Sierra Leone is arguably at her unhappiest period ever.
Not giving the suffering people of Sierra Leone a pressure relief valve to vent their anguish, anger and pain peacefully, I would say, was not reasonable and commonsensical from the Government.
The Sierra Leone people, not just the opposition parties, as borne out by this global happiness rankings, were and are genuinely not happy with their Government.
What the extra-judicial killing of scores of protesting Sierra Leoneans last year has done is to heighten pent-up frustration and anger with the Government.
If translated into election votes in polling stations across the country on June 24, 2023, the Government will lose, even in traditional SLPP strongholds such as the reasonably demographically diverse districts of Bo and Moyamba in the South.
Sierra Leoneans will be total mugs if, after being tagged as the most unhappy people in Africa – in fact in the world, bar the crisis-hit Afghanistan and Lebanon, reward the present Government with another five years for pauperising, destituting and making their lives miserable.
If that re-election, God forbids comes to pass, it will be an effing neighbouring Liberia’s Charles Taylor moment during their troubles – “He killed my ma, he killed my pa, he gets my vote”.
You can read the Global Happiness Report by clicking on the graphics below:
There is a possibility that this survey was conducted in Freetown which is the stronghold of the opposition APC party. Unfortunately since 2018, there has been MORAL DECAY due to the “Mammy Cuss” against our President and First Lady, our law enforcement officers and our religious leaders and violence due to social media incitement from the diaspora. So basically, most people are “unhappy” . “ Happiness is a state of mind”. It should come from within. The irony is TIME MAGAZINE has chosen Sierra Leone as one of the top tourist destinations around the world for 2023 in the link below https://time.com/6261863/freetown-peninsula-sierra-leone/
The situation in sierra leone is sad and devastating. If we should have a thriving Sierra Leone. We the citizens should be able to advocate for our change and achieve it. “Salone bizness, na all man Bizness “
Sierra Leoneans we need to wise up now come June 24 2023 to do a great change by removing this current government called SLPP. The suffering is too much in our country. Too much of suffering leads to death after death.
What a sad story, anyway may God save Salone…
This country is full of damage caused by those useless parties called SLPP or APC. They have totally failed the people of this country, but we the citizens of this country are so selfish within our mindset just for our selfish gains. Nobody is here to speak out the truth instead we are here being so naive or myopic to see or guide ourselves to change these failed political parties. We are destroying ourselves and we will continue to suffer with no progress in this nation.
All what you said is true about Mama Salone. Why we decided to leave there to settle in Ghana? Is because there is no freedom of speech,the violation of human rights is too much in Sierra Leone. Look the way they humilliated a country super star (LAJ), for no good reason. Infact Sierra Leone is not supposed to be a country on its own.
What you have said here is false Bai Kamara. By whose assessment Sierra Leoneans were judged to be the most hungry and angry people on the planet?
I disagree with you sir. I am a born Sierra LEONEAN and I am the most happiest person in the whole world. And if it’s a curse on SIERRA LEONEANS. I cancel it for me and my entire generation in Jesus name. Please try to reframe your words better next time. Stay blessed
It would seem that you have an issue with communicating in English. “Most happiest” is a tautology. “Born Sierra Leonean” is a tautology. Now to the crux of the matter; the level of your happiness is irrelevant. It is a survey. You cancel it in Jesus name, great. While you are cancelling, please cancel war, disease, and poverty. There is crippling poverty in Sierra Leone. People are starving, rampant inflation and corruption and you are cancelling in Jesus name for an entire generation. Therefore, when you see the children starving in the street, instead of giving them food, you go and cancel in Jesus name.
Honestly you are super intelligent. May Allah bless you.
May God save our country
God forbid sierra Leone cannot be the unhappiest what about south Sudan, mali, mali what will u say about it,
We know that it is the opposition that may have done that because they are not in power
Anybody can nowadays express his own assumptions. Those propagandist who are looking for jobs in politics think by making assumptions against the Sierra Leone government could give some recognition. Let them wait till June 2023 and see if the people of Salone are not happy with the current government.