Sierra Leone Telegraph: 30 June 2020:
At State House in Freetown yesterday, Sierra Leone’s newly appointed Chief of Defence Staff of the Armed Forces (RSLAF) – Lieutenant-General Sullay Ibrahim Sesay, and the Joint-Force Commander – Major-General Patrick K Lavahun, took their oath of office in the presence of President Dr Julius Maada Bio.
The new Army Chief Sullay Ibrahim Sesay (Photo below) who replaced Lieutenant-General Brima Bureh Sesay, was promoted to Lieutenant-General, whilst the new Joint Force Commander was promoted to Major-General and decorated by the President who also serves as the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces.
President Bio congratulated both officers on their appointment and promotion, noting that their elevation brought with it bigger responsibilities.
He said he has meticulously chosen them because he wants more from them in order to regain the glory of the RSLAF as a force that is respected in the country and beyond. He added that much is now expected of them.
“I need not remind you that the task ahead is daunting and can be daunting at times but you have a shoulder in me to always rest on. As a government, our aim is to develop this nation and in that process, we need your support. The Armed Forces form an important element in the development of any nation and we hope that you will provide the leadership necessary,” he said.
In response, Lieutenant-General Sesay thanked the President and people of Sierra Leone for the confidence reposed in them as senior military leaders to assume the responsibility for the operational control and administration of the RSLAF.
He expressed the belief that with their experience and competence, they would not betray this confidence. He promised that they will progressively drive the RSLAF into the future in support of the New Direction Agenda.
“I thank you for your good leadership as our Commander-In-Chief of the RSLAF and your good dreams for your great institution – the RSLAF. We continue to relentlessly pledge our loyalty and commitments to you and the people of Sierra Leone now and always,” he assured.
How corruption can be fought in Sierra Leone west Africa
Mr Thomas – sorry I got your feathers ruffled so early this morning (lol). An Orator sometimes just simply forget that he is not on a crowded stage,or podium,selectively choosing his words to ensure a smooth delivery,and lasting impact. See, I write informally,the same as the way I speak. Now, although compatibility issues may arise with one’s style of writing, when it is subjected to electronic editing, my reasons for using commas frequently are strictly to separate interchangeable adjectives, for clarity, pausing, and for emphasis. I will do my best to use punctuation marks sparingly in my future comments. I thank your forthrightness, and sincerity Sir.
Congratulations to the new army chiefs LG. Sullay I. Sesay and M. G. Patrick K. Lavahun. For their promotion. We will all agree the republic of Sierra Leone armed forces is by far one of the most, if not the most respected institutions in Sierra Leone. Not long ago in one of the young women’s cadet passing out parade, President Bio, made a speech in which he reminded the newly minted women in military uniform, to uphold the oath they have taken to serve, and defend the the republic of Sierra Leone. And this is the curious part in that speech, they should not indulge or express any political opinions. That is all well and good. The Army and police should keep out of politics.
I certainly agree with MR. PRESIDENT. But coming from this president that took part in two military coups in the early 1990s, I think that is bit out of kilter. Do as I say, don’t do as I do. With this new appointment, and I’m in no way here arguing against their promotion, I think they deserve it. The issue I have, is this President, is behaving like an octopus, when it comes to political appointments whether is in the army, police or civil service. He is dipping his fingers every where. You can’t escape his claws. Is the president trying to infuse politics into this great institution? Was the former chief of defence staff and others, forced to take early retirement? On what grounds? That is not moral boosting for serving military personnel.
Instead of figuring out how to manage our economy after COVID19, this president and his advisers are busy micro managing every works of life in Sierra Leone. The civil service, police and army. I think is high time he apply himself with the same zeal and commitment he’d shown he and his team are capable of, and show the same commitments on how to develop Sierra Leone. Right now it feels like every one is caught up in President Maada Bio’s political spiders Web. It is not good for the development of our country .
This was what President Bio said “The Armed Forces form an important element in the development of any nation and we hope that you will provide the leadership necessary.” Will these two officers help with growing their own rice to reduce the cost of importing rice for their men and women? The government spends thousands if not millions of dollars per year just on rice to feed the military. It will be a good idea if the military start growing their own rice instead of staying idling in their barracks.
I hope the two military officers ask the Commander in Chief to allocate some farm lands anywhere in the country, with construction of a military barracks nearby to house the officers and the necessity machinery and money. Sort rotational personnel work schedule should be implemented. God bless President Bio and the two newly promoted military officers.
Give me just a moment with these partisan,military puppets,in shiny boots,and uniforms,and I will purposefully reorganize,and change their priorities,at the drop of a hat;instantly putting their lethargic,inactive,mental,and bodily muscles to grind away,toil,and work,in something fruitful,and productive in the interest of our beloved nation;Instead of allowing these highly paid, decorated,soldiers,to be lazying around,in air-conditioned rooms,and firing guns,randomly,at printable,moving,paper targets,all day,every day,at the expense of taxpayers,they should be put directly in charge of mechanized agricultural farming,and mega industrial projects,so that we can finally be able to practically,and accurately assess how useful,skillful,and disciplined they really are.
No question,we need to streamline the military,and transform it into a much leaner,and stronger entity that adapts,and adjusts itself whenever,it is in our interest to do so,for the benefit,and security of the nation – These are new times,Covid 19 times,there are no wars to fight,no disputes,conflicts in faraway places to resolve – Covid19 has silenced them all;Warmongers,anarchists,aggressors,and hatemongers,have all disappeared out of fear for their lives,like mists in a storm,like turtles into their stony shells,and of course like spiritless impalas,seeing a pride of merciless lions at first glance,they’ve all gone.(lol)The merciless Covid 19 has chased them all away.(lol)
Stargazer – we know your comments are always colourful and sometimes poetic! But can you ensure that you read and check them before posting – especially your punctuations. Placing a comma after each word does not make for a good reading experience. Please note that posts that fail to meet the required standards may be caught by the spam malware and will not be published. Thank you.
Congratulations guys
I hope and pray that the military will be restored to the days of the retirement of late President Tejan Kabba, because former Defense Ministers under the past corrupt APC government, messed up this institution during their 11 years misrule. Even a retired patriotic army officer was mysteriously murdered in his own home. May his soul continue to rest in peace.