Sierra Leone Telegraph: 5 July 2015
Freetown is one of the most congested cities in the world, with a population of over two million people and hundreds of thousands of vehicles, plying the narrow and poorly maintained roads.
Every single day of the week, over 70% of the population spend hours angrily competing for access to the woefully inadequate and poorly maintained, yet expensive passenger transport service.
And when they do manage to get on board, a five mile one-way journey would normally take hours, in sweltering heat or pouring rain, as drivers struggle to navigate their way through narrow roads and congested traffic.
Freetown’s inefficient public transport system has a lot do with the poor availability of suitable and reliable public transport. But the main problems for transport operators are; traffic congestion, narrow streets, and the sheer mass of pedestrians and traders encroaching on to traffic lanes.
It is estimated that traffic congestion is costing the country over two hundred million dollars a year in productivity loss, fuel costs, and loss of earnings for those commuters for whom time is money.
The Koroma government says it has prioritised the country’s transportation problem. But so far, despite spending millions of dollars on importing dozens of buses, there has been little impact, if at all.
Most of the 40 buses brought into the country two years ago (Photo) to help solve the transport problem, are hardly functioning today.
Last year the government announced that it has signed a contract with a Chinese company for the supply of 100 new buses at a cost of $120,000 each.
Despite promise from the government that the 100 buses will be delivered on time to mark the country’s 54 years of independence last April 2015, not a single one of those buses made it into the country.
In May 2015, hopes were once again dashed when another promise by the government that the buses will at long last arrive in May, failed to materialise.
Then the people were told the buses will arrive in June 2015. It is now July, and not a single bus has arrived.
But alas, the government now firmly believe that the buses will arrive in Freetown tomorrow, 6th July 2015. They are fully confident of tomorrow’s welcoming of those buses at the Queen Elizabeth Water Quay in Freetown.
After all, it takes several weeks for the ship to sail from China to arrive in Freetown, so the government must have been informed by the Chinese that the ship is now sailing close to Freetown.
But there are far more serious questions to be asked, about how the government arrived at the decision to spend $12 million on just 100 buses, each costing $120,000, at such difficult time for the people of Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone is one of the poorest nations in the world, and relying on donor funds to cover 60% of its current spending.
Last year, when thousands of people were dying of Ebola, the government said it had no money to pay doctors, nurses and burial teams, nor did they have money to buy adequate protective wear to save the lives of medical staff.
Yet it could find $12 million to hand over to the Chinese for 100 buses. Is this not misplaced priorities?
Why did the government fail to go out to public tender for these buses, so it could buy them cheaper elsewhere?
What was the business case for spending $12 million on 100 buses at $120,000 each?
On what basis was the manufacturer chosen as the preferred contractor, given the fact that there are several other manufacturers in China and elsewhere, who could have competitively bid for the contract to ensure value for tax payer’s money?
Investigation carried out by the Sierra Leone Telegraph shows that most bus manufacturers in the Far-East, can supply a sixty seater bus (freight on board) at a cost of between $30,000 and $40,000.
Did ministers receive kickbacks for this Chinese contract?
Why is the government paying $120,000 for each of the 100 buses, when the congested roads can hardly cope with the existing volume of traffic?
How can $12 million be spent on 100 buses to ease the problem of traffic congestion in Freetown, given the fact that the problem of congestion is caused by too many vehicles using the extremely narrow streets in the capital?
How can the government justify spending $12 million on 100 buses, when there are far too many pedestrians and market traders encroaching on traffic lanes causing traffic congestion?
How can $12 million be spent on 100 buses that can only add to the traffic congestion, given the sheer mega size of each of those buses?
How does the government justify spending $12 million on 100 buses, with the problem of poor parking on most major roads and streets in the capital, exacerbating the problem of traffic congestion?
Why has the government not focussed its energy on measures aimed at easing traffic congestion, including ensuring that major roads and streets are not used as rubbish dumps?
But more importantly, why has the government failed to encourage the private sector to invest heavily in the transportation sector, with government using its finance as leverage? Government has no business running a transport business.
This $12 million Chinese contract not only violates the country’s public procurement regulations, but is a bad spending decision that will fail to yield best value for tax payers money.
The government must be held accountable by the Auditor General’s Office.
Why display the 100 buses at the national stadium? Why not another venue to display the stupid buses. I have never seen any other African countries where their stadium is used for hosting every little government event. This is why our stadium is in bad shape.
Try to build somewhere else for some of these events. That stadium was built for sport events.
Thanks Mr. Editor, well written. This shows the level of Management ability our government has, instead of improving on the roads to gain more accessibility, they went ahead and purchase more Buses with no roads to ride on.
This made me think about EBK’s promise of electricity. Almost through his 2nd term and still no lights.
I did my own research and $120,000 is much too much for these buses.
This administration from it’s earliest days has not followed proper procurement procedures. For sure there will never be 100 buses that are worth $120,000 each delivered to Sierra Leone.