Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 9 April 2023:
Throughout my tenure as the Mayor of Freetown, I have been blessed to have received your continuous moral support and encouragement in working towards our collective journey to #TransformFreetown.
As you may have heard, I am running for re-election as the Mayor of Freetown on 24 June 2023, to continue that journey.
We achieved a great deal during my first term (see here link to the Jan 2019 Transform Freetown Overview and the four Annual Reports – 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 that detail progress made against the targets we set https://fcc.gov.sl/transform-freetown/).
However due to a range of external setbacks and challenges during the past 5 years, we were unable to achieve all the #TransformFreetown targets. I am confident that given the opportunity and the space to continue this work, so much more will be achieved.
If you would like to provide financial support to my re-election campaign, you can donate to one of the bank accounts listed in the website:
Additionally, you can donate using either an Afrimony or Orange money merchant code.
To donate using Orange money, please:
1. Dial #144#
2. Select 4: Buy Goods
3. Enter merchant code: 211413
To donate using Afrimoney, please:
1. Dial 161#
2. Select 4: Pay Merchant
3. Enter merchant code: 76160
Thanks so much for your support!
Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE
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