Alan Luke: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 May 2023:
The National Grand Coalition (NGC) party is not fielding candidates for the 2023 Freetown Mayoral election. Kandeh Yumkella claims that his strategic alliance is an alliance of progressives. He also maintains that the Alliance will include APC Progressives.
Yumkella also says that his strategic alliance philosophy does not including reigning insults at the opposition or anyone in politics.
Now, the litmus test of Kandeh Yumkella’s strategic alliance philosophy is NGC’s decision as to who his NGC party will endorse or support at the Freetown Mayoral election next month.
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr’s progressive credentials are evident to the entire leadership of the NGC party including Kandeh Yumkella, Jesmed Suma, Amadu Sheriff, Andrew Kieli, A Omar Jabbie, Philip Selati Koroma, Bunani Hassan and others.
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr has never traded insults at anyone, despite the sustained harassment and intimidation from the ruling SLPP throughout her five-year term.
So, I ask again, given Aki-Sawyerr’s impeccable credentials, her performance in office as Mayor of Freetown over the past five years, who will Kandeh Yumkella and the executives of the NGC endorse at the Freetown Mayoral election?
Is peace and progress in Sierra Leone, less important than Kandeh’s own grievance and consequently – NGC’s need to ‘peppeh’ (punish) APC?
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