Sierra Leone Telegraph: 6 February 2020:
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food For Progress (FFPr) Regional Cashew Value Chain Project is implementing a $38 million, six-year project in The Gambia, Senegal, and Guinea-Bissau which will enhance the regional cashew value chain to improve the trade of processed cashews in local and international markets.
On January 29, 2020 U.S. Ambassador to The Gambia R. Carl Paschall and The Gambia’s Minister of Trade, Regional Integration, Industry and Employment, Lamin Jobe, spoke at a launch ceremony in Dakar, Senegal for the USDA’s Food for Progress regional cashew value chain project, also called the Linking Infrastructure, Finance, and Farms to Cashews (LIFFT-Cashew).
At the launch event, numerous government officials, as well as private sector leaders from The Gambia, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau, discussed the regional integration of the cashew value chain.
The United States was represented by both the U.S. Ambassador to The Gambia, Richard Carlton Paschall III, and the U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and Guinea-Bissau, Tulinabo Salama Mushingi.
Both U.S. Ambassadors emphasized the need for collaboration between the three countries.
Ambassador Paschall highlighted the importance of creating opportunities for producers and processors to boost economic development and working together to meet the needs of local and international markets.
In his remarks, Ambassador Paschall said: “I believe that government policy that encourages market-led development and regional integration of the cashew sector, through the private sector, is critical to integrate the cashew value chain and achieve the project’s goal. This will help stimulate economic development and incite the creation of jobs here in the region by meeting market demand requirements.”
Ambassador Mushingi echoed this message by reciting the well-known proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
In turn, the government representatives of the beneficiary countries stressed the importance of adding value to their region’s cashew sector, as only approximately 5-6 percent of their produced cashew nut is processed locally.
Facilitating the processing of cashew nuts within the region will create new jobs and increase incomes, attract more investment to the cashew sector, and create sustainable socio-economic development.
After the opening ceremony, workshop participants discussed key issues for the cashew sector, including access to finance, market linkages between cooperatives and processors, organic certification, and government strategies to facilitate regional integration.
During the group breakout session, government officials discussed regional integration and the three governments’ roles in supporting cashew value chain actors. The private sector group, which consisted of farmer cooperatives, processors, investors and financial institutions, discussed the challenges and opportunities they face, the importance of linkages between the value chain actors, and the support they need from their governments in supporting collective sales, processing and exports.
These private sector participants and government officials will continue their collaboration as project LIFFT-Cashew progresses to pave the way for increased regional integration of the cashew value chain and increased trade in processed cashews.
When your government embraces barbarity and violence against its citizens and the opposition, you get nothing from the Trump Administration. Simple as that. What should you do to receive aid from The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) – Stop the barbarity and violence against your people and the opposition, unlawful incarceration of your citizens, develop the economic power engines of your country like Kono City, improve on human rights etc.
Only such attitudes will make the Trump Administration approve development grants for your people right now. God bless America for helping Sierra Leone come 2023 after choosing the right APC progressive administration.
A nugget of truth is a statement,or a phrase that comes from refined discernment,and the unshakeable foundations of Wisdom.
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far go together”. Those words,if studied,and applied correctly are enough to turn ordinary grains of sand to gold. The implementation of a 38 millions dollars Cashew project by the USDA to enhance cashew production, and processing is a step in the right direction. Bravo!
If only our people can now measure up to the new challenge,the sky will only be the beginning of their success, and achievements to come. The Gambia,Senegal, and Guinea Bissau,must work diligently together,and not let this become another
“Failed African Project”. These are extremely difficult financial, and economic times, and this Cashew project is a blessing, a fountain gushing with waters of hope,capable of quenching and satisfying the thirsts of thousands of people. Stay closely together like knitted wool on a garment, so that many years from now,when your work that came from years of sweat,and toil, is stripped, examined,and tested by the fires of scrutiny, it will stand,tall,steady,and strong,and not wobble,or crumble miserably like sandcastles, or a deck of cards…..Rising Sun Will Rise Again.