Sierra Leone Telegraph: 19 November 2019:
Vice President Juldeh Jalloh of Sierra Leone is in Washington, USA, where he is discussing Sierra Leone’s Compact readiness with senior executives of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
The vice president is meeting the MCC to discuss the achievements that have been made with regards Sierra Leone’s 2020 MCC scorecard performance, and its successful implementation of the $44.4 million Threshold Program.
Meeting the MCC chief executive officer and vice president for policy and evaluation, Vice President Juldeh spoke about the Bio-led government’s commitment to deepening and strengthening the MCC partnership.
He also expressed President Bio’s determination to continue to build the MCC partnership by successfully completing the delivery of the current Threshold Program, as well as ensuring that Sierra Leone is selected for a Compact very soon.
The Sierra Leone delegation which includes the Ambassador to the USA, Minister of Finance, Central Bank Governor, Deputy Minister of Water Resources, the Managing Director of Guma Valley Water Company, spoke about the reforms that are being implemented by the government in line with the requirements of the MCC scorecard, especially in policy areas where the government’s performance is weak, such as economic freedom.
The delegation made several presentations, explaining the improvements in the investment climate and the government’s commitment to the rule of law and its fight against corruption.
Vice President Jalloh noted that the 2020 MCC scorecard is a reflection of the state of affairs in Sierra Leone, with the government committed to improving its performance.
Jalloh spoke about the inter-ministerial coordination that has been boosted by the 2020 MCC scorecard, which has now been embedded in the government’s Medium-Term National Development Plan.
He said that the prioritization of human capital development by the SLPP government has significantly impacted on the government’s performance scorecard, especially in health and education.
The MCC chief executive officer congratulated Vice President Jalloh on Sierra Leone’s 2020 scorecard performance. He also indicated MCC’s desire to build a strong partnership with Sierra Leone for the long term.
Sierra Leone’s Minister of Finance and the Central Bank Governor also briefed the MCC about current investment environment in Sierra Leone and the state of the economy.
Vice President Jalloh is in Washington on a week-long visit, and will be meeting other key stakeholders to explore investment and trade opportunities, while deepening bilateral relationship between the USA and Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone is hoping to successfully access a massive $600 million MCC Compact funding to help build the country’s drinking water infrastructure that could improve access from the current 40% of households.
GreatSayedna ~ Yes Sir Mr Saidu Sir? Saidu you are just too much. You had me and my wife singing nursery rhymes today in uncontrollable laughter, with those lines of yours. What is it with these people,and Saidu Conteh? They have also attacked me for being his friend, even though he is someone I have never met before.
Joe Koroma here’s a nursery rhyme as an answer to satisfy that jittery class 2 mindset of yours….BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP HAVE YOU ANY WOOL…(lmao) Now you are supposed to say – YES SIR, MR SAIDU SIR, THREE BAGS FULL (lol) Listen man, let’s leave it right here, because you just won’t be able to cope…Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
The destructive disease that most APC supporters are suffering from which is PUT DOWN SYNDROME ( PDS ) is now in its acute stage by just seeing the photo of the Dream Team. I hope and pray that one day they will see the light because the only medicine to cure this dreadful disease is PRAYER.
Saidu Conteh, even though it appears that some screws are loose in your brain, I am hopeful that at the very least you can read an article and comprehend it very well. Why does Sierra Leone stand a chance of getting $600 million in MCC funding if it failed the MCC requirements as you claim?
Secondly, feel free to call the Vice President a puppet but I wonder what sense it would make for the President and the Vice President to be leaving the country at the same time. Did your useless Ernest Koroma and his VP ever do that?
Look, I am a member of the NGC party but if am to choose between APC and SLPP, I will pray that the APC never again darkens the corridors of power in Sierra Leone. I may have been disappointed that my party did not win. But I am a prouder Sierra Leonean today due to the direction that my country has taken since the last general elections.
Some forumites are beginning to get very nasty against other forumites. Especially on one particular forumite – to be exact. Is this due to frustration or a lack of competitiveness spirit? I thought each and everyone is entitled to their opinion? Please, mind the language – let’s be civil to each other and carry on the debate.
Gentlemen – didn’t I say loudly and clearly that this Corrupt SLPP government will try to sweep the allegations of bribery against the Chief Minister under the rug, by creating a distraction through a weird, calculated act of focusing on something else? Well, there you have it, just as I said – the puppet Vice President for whom they have shown very little respect, is currently on a trip to the United States.(lmao)
Now you can blow the trumpets – declare me a Prophet.(lol) Again, I said this President will not utter a word in the interest of transparency on this matter, and he didn’t, neither did the ACC undertake a thorough investigation for the purposes of salvaging the credibility of all those involved. Corrupt Kaifala is still as quiet as a mouse. Indeed all things have turned out just as I predicted they would – call me a Prophet!
Who cares about an MCC report that they failed miserably? Its all a diversion from the allegations of corruption against the Chief Minister – Bio’s crutch that he relies upon for stamina and support. Members of the APC, being asked to declare your assets, be advised – do not cooperate, become involved or participate in this insubstantial, pretentious charade, until this matter is satisfactorily settled.
Ask yourself how many trips has this puppet VP made overseas before the bribery scandal? A handful or none whatsoever? (lol) Let the evidence speak for itself! The truth is, he was always left far behind, waved off, brushed aside while the corrupt tribalistic cabal travelled the world – living large, popping expensive champagne. But times change; now he is needed on the world’s stage to act the role of a puppet on a tightly held string – to distract, deceive, distort and transform an unpleasant, shocking reality into something totally inconsequential….Rising Sun will Rise Again.