Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 September 2019:
On Tuesday, 10th September, Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) presented and discussed the government’s National Action Plan for Health Security with journalists, at the MoHS Conference Hall at Youyi Building in Freetown.
Speaking to journalists, Health Minister – Alpha Tejan Wurie called on the media to help promote the National Action Plan for Health Security, which he said shows that Sierra Leone is not only now prepared to detect health emergencies, but can also effectively respond to them.
The Health Minister said that the government now has rapid response team in each district, as well as trained surveillance officers, supported by good laboratories.
He further said that the country can now boast of trained and qualified Sierra Leonean field epidemiologists.
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Amara Jambai who chaired the press briefing said that at the National level they now have the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies which is located at the Emergency Operation Centre on Wilkinson Road, responsible for coordinating health emergencies in the country, with branches across the districts.
Speaking about community engagement, Dr. Jambai said that the Health Ministry is now moving from community mobilization to community engagement, which he noted is a process rather than an event.
This is what is expected in the country and not cries over the president travels. Sierra Leone like Ghana can now boast of national health suvelliance, management and treatment of any health hazard that once creple the country due to lack of programs and treatments. We all are proud of the success of our brother, the president working hard for the country and the people. ongratulation brothers and sisters with your work for Sierra Leone. GOD BLESS SIERRA LEONE AND HER PEOPLE THROUGH OUT OUR FUTURE HISTORY: AMEEN.