Sierra Leone Telegraph: 10 June 2019:
Returning home to Sierra Leone after a busy schedule in London last week, which culminated in celebrating Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday at a military parade after presenting all that is good in Sierra Leone to potential investors , president Bio is expected to now face the music from the media and opposition politicians, who are highly critical of his presidency, especially his frequent trips abroad. So what are the newspapers reporting today?
Today’s newspaper headlines in Sierra Leone are diverse. Some regard president Bio’s visit to London as a disaster, while others write about corruption, the sale of Sierra Leone government’s shares in Sierra Rutile Ltd., the commissions of inquiry, the possible rise in petrol price in the coming days, etc. This is what they say:
The Times’headline “BIO FACES ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT IN UK”, is quite eye-catching. Although it is known what was written, one can easily deduce that the medium must be referring to the adverse demonstrations the President faced while in the English capital in his effort to woo investors for his country, which must have been conducted by APC losers, who are still unable to skip passed their loss of the presidency a year ago.
Surely, The Times cannot possibly be contriving that President Bio’s meeting with potential investors,being photographed with former British Prime Minister,Tony Blair,or being invited to the queen’s birthday celebrations, where he sat side by side with Theresa May,the outgoing British Prime Minister,were all episodes of embarrassment for Maada Bio – except if the paper has trouble with the meaning of embarrassment,in which case they need to look it up in any basic dictionary.
Most of us agree that the President travels out of the country too often,but this time his physical presence was needed in the U.K. to lend weight to whatever emissaries might have done beforehand.The President must come to terms with using our foreign missions to do some work in the same way as those of Tanzania are doing under President John Magufuli,who hardly ever steps out of his country.He readily dismisses ministers,ambassadors,and top government appointees who are lacking.
We cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that in trying to bring in investors from the West,President Bio is cleverly trying to diversify the foreign investment environment in the country to make it not entirely dependent on the Chinese. A huge advantage of this move is that it would lower the unemployment rate in the country if successful, since the tendency of Western investors is to mostly use local labour – unlike what the Chinese are prone to do.
If Allah/God helps us, the government through its various agencies, should encourage Sierra Leoneans to participate fully in the economy as it takes off, to avoid having it entirely in the hands of foreigners who may take advantage of us, having recognised our vulnerability.If the Minister of Trade and Industry does not know what to do in this regard he should be dismissed.
We have three fundamental problems in our country Sierra Leone: 1. The politicians. 2. The media (both print and electronic); and, 3. Some so called civil societies.
Until and unless we begin to see and think from a national perspective, we will continue to be at the bottom position of the development indices.
“Civil war looms in Sierra Leone”, who will suffer? To all those making negative incitements for the world to empathize with their unpatriotic games, this country will remain peaceful. I pray and work with my government to succeed and that’s what a good citizen does.
Sierra Leone is becoming one of the countries where whatever the president does means nothing, as politicians are on the gage to face out everything he does. Will it not be alright for Sierra Leoneans to praise the president for what he is doing?Sierra Leone is on the move and the administration is working hard to address the plummeting economy. Will there ever be anyone or group to help in this regard.
Investors are coming from abroad to help build a strong economy but the main opposition party is off on another hook to launch what is not good for the country. The APC is a war mongering party trying to bury what is being achieved in development.
Do they want to control the country at their will without thinking of the population? They must know communism is dead and buried. No more central control. Sierra Leone is a democratic not a communist state. People must live their lives and in accordance with what our brother – the president is putting in place. Please brothers and sisters help the president to build a strong Sierra Leone.
First and foremost, before proceeding, we must give credit where it is due. The loudest and most enthusiastic shout-out for today is going out to the Editor for conducting the affairs of The Sierra Leone Telegraph in a mature, efficient, befitting, and appropriate manner. Thank You Sir!
A Spaniard in order to express his gratitude will say: “BIEN HECHO”; and a French man will say:”BIEN JOUE”. But those of us that were raised by the unsmiling British, would just say in plain and simple English: WELL DONE!
I can always tell a good man, even from afar Sir. Honourable men like you, resemble anchors that hold ships unmoved and steady in a bay, preventing them from swinging wildly and being carried away by violent storms and the angry rough seas.
Mother Sierra Leone needs more men like you. So consider becoming a mentor, guide and a tutor to as many that cross your paths as is humanly possible; for who knows, one may just turn out to be that genius existence has been anxiously waiting for, who will put a smile on our faces and effortlessly paint a magnificent rainbow of hope on our skies.
Now to the Global Times news headline: “Pademba Road Prison to be relocated to Songo”. Delightful news! I say its about damn time! That building was an eyesore, a defacement and a blemish on the City of Freetown. Why did it take so long? Inmates staring through the windows, sometimes calling people passing on the street. Strange building. It just kept standing there like a sentry, staring without a presence, yet still standing there. And that drove me nuts!
There are times when I thought to myself, if I had access to a heavy duty truck, caterpillar, wrecker or Bulldozer, and with the permission of government, I would have cleared it out of there in less than an hour. No kidding! Relocate the inmates of the entire prison and tear that unsightly object of monstrosity down.- ASAP – Rising Sun Will Rise Again!
Enemies and critics are all engaging in negative opinion. Some of them don’t even want neither the president or the country to succeed at all. But with the power of God, President Bio is going to rule this mama Sierra Leone until 2028. Two terms must be completed.
It doesn’t matter even if you wearing gold, your enemy will count it as silver. Koroma and his associates will stand trial. The COI is for every wrongdoer in this country. And if Bio and his men do the same thing, the law will judge them.
I’m of the firm conviction that Sierra Leone will be developed. What we should do, devoid of our tribal, regional or political belonging, is not to pray for the failure of a government. It isn’t hard and fact that it’s only your government that MUST rule.
If there is any growth and development in this nation, we shall all live to enjoy it. But if it’s the opposite, we all shall live to face the retardation. Also, it doesn’t mean when I’m in opposition, I must not praise the rulling party for any good work done, NO!
Also party in governance, must try hard not to do or establish bad precedent. This we clearly saw its establishement by later government, and now it’s practically being followed by the New Direction. The 2012 election petition in Constituencies 05 in Kailahun and 015 in Kenema and the followup walk out of Paliament by SLPP MPs in 2013 December. Those two incidents saw two bad precedents. Today, similar situation has occured, sighting those two actions by the later government. CITIZENS NOW SUFFER.
Thanks to the editor for making available the information on what the papers say after the President’s visit overseas.
The problems keep piling and to be honest, I have no clue at the moment. However, I am busy finding suggestions/solutions.